Sunday, February 21, 2016

Soccer games on Wed.+ Frid. 02/24 and 02/26



Soccer Game. BIS vs French School.

Wednesday, February 24th at BIS.

  • Who: Boys and Girls (ages 10 to 15 - two separate games).

  • Where: BIS

  • When:  Wednesday, Feb 24th.

  • Time:   

    • 4:00pm Game #1 (for 10 to 12 year olds).

    • 5:00pm Game #2 (for 13 to 15 year olds).

    • 6:00pm Go Home.

  • Important Reminders:

    • Bring your water bottle and a snack.

    • Plan to stay after school for this game.

    • Plan your transportation ahead of time.  See details above to be picked up on time at the end of the game.

    • Sign the permission slip to participate (see next page).

All family and friends are welcome to come cheer for the Eagles!  

Please visit our website or contact Coach Batista for additional information at or -

Soccer Game (HS Students). BIS vs French School.

Friday, February 26h at BIS.

  • Who: High School boys.

  • Where: BIS

  • When:  Friday, Feb 26th.

  • Time:   

    • 4:30pm to 5:40pm play game.

    • 5:45pm go home.

  • Important Reminders:

    • Bring your water bottle and a snack.

    • Plan to stay after school for this game.

    • Plan your transportation ahead of time.  See details above to be picked up on time at the end of the game.

    • Sign the permission slip to participate (see next page).

All family and friends are welcome to come cheer for the Eagles!  

Please visit our website or contact Coach Batista for additional information at or -  

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Fwd: Is Sitting At Your Desk Killing You?

Cool article. Let's get moving folks.

Sent via phone. JP Batista.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Tai Lopez" <>
Date: Feb 10, 2016 3:58 AM
Subject: Is Sitting At Your Desk Killing You?
To: <>

I spend most of my workday on a treadmill desk because sitting kills more people than smoking.

For every one hour you sit, two hours of your life is lost forever.

Dr. James Levine makes strong claims in today's Book-of-the-Day, Get Up: Why Your Chair Is Killing You and What You Can Do About It.

He's no "fake" scientist. He runs a Mayo Clinic.

His main point is that your office chair, your sofa, and the seat in your car - they are all killing you.

75% of healthcare costs (currently at $3.8 trillion) come from things like diabetes, high blood pressure, back pain, obesity, depression, cancer, cardiovascular disease - issues directly related to sitting too much.

Here are my book notes:

1. Going to the gym won't fix sitting all day: "4 large studies in Australia and the U.S. demonstrate that going to the gym at the end of the day sadly doesn't quite offset the apparent harm of sitting all day long."

2. To lose weight you have to increase your "NEAT" activity - your non-exercise activity: "Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) calories—explain why an active person can expend 2,000 calories a day more than an inactive person of the same size."

3. It's sitting at work that's your main problem: "Job is the major predictor of NEAT. Active work can expend 2,000 calories per day more than a sedentary job."

4. It's killing our kids: "In the USA only 4% of elementary schools, 8% of middle schools and 2% of high schools provide daily physical education. We were also told that many fidgety children (probably those with high NEAT in their brain circuits) were frequently medicated for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)."

5. Walk after eating: "With a 1-mph walk after a meal, blood sugar peaks are halved. After every meal, I take a short NEAT walk, usually for 15 minutes."

6. Walk 10,000 steps using a treadmill desk: This way you can use work hours to get in the ideal 10,000 steps a day. Plus, treadmills can measure your daily steps. Most iPhones now can measure too.

I love my treadmill desk. Set it to 1.5 mph and you easily walk 5 miles a day without even realizing it.

I use the ones from

Stay strong,

P.S. Albert Einstein once said, "To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard new problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science." In order to reach your full potential, mastering the science behind it is key. So, I'm doing a free online talk, "The Science Of Raising Your Income: 7 Lessons I've Learned From A Few Crazy Experiments," tomorrow, Wednesday, at 12PM PST (3PM EST / 8PM London Time).

I've helped a lot of people with this topic, so I wouldn't miss this one if I were you. Click here to claim your spot.

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