Monday, March 31, 2014

Khan Academy set up instructions.

Directions for Khan Academy set up.

1-      Check your email and accept my invitation.

2-      Take the pretest.

a.       Once you accept the invitation a new tab will open and you’ll take a pretest

b.      Do the best you can on this test. If you don’t know the answer just click on “I haven’t learned this yet”.

3-      Once you finish close the “dashboard” and chose a mission.

a.       The default mission is “the world of math”, which is pre-selected for you. You’ll need to change this.

b.      Click on the drop down arrow next to “the world of math” and chose your grade or math level (Math 8, pre-algebra, algebra 1, etc…).

4-      Once your mission is chosen you’ll be able to learn and practice topics within that mission in addition to the recommendations that I ‘ll send to you.


Friday, March 28, 2014

Water day Olympics

Fwd: Urgente - votem em sim: família é homem e mulher

>> Câmara promove enquete sobre conceito de família
>> Texto-base para o Estatuto da Família define entidade familiar como o núcleo formado a partir da união entre homem e mulher.
>> A Câmara está fazendo uma consulta pública. A comunidade LGBTS está ganhando.
>> Você concorda com a definição de família como núcleo formado a partir da união entre homem e mulher, prevista no projeto que cria o Estatuto da Família?
>> O resultado hoje, dia 28.03.2014, é não, ou seja, a população brasileira não concorda com a definição de família como sendo a união de homem e mulher. A comunidade LGBTS estão votando em massa contra o conceito natural e cristão do que seja família.
>> Acessem o site abaixo e votem com urgência em SIM. Repassem para o máximo de pessoas.
>> Não
>> 50.69 %
>> 288.177 votos
>> Sim
>> 48.92 %
>> 278.073 votos
>> Não tenho opinião formada
>> 0.39 %
>> 2.214 votos
>> --
>> Você recebeu essa mensagem porque está inscrito no grupo quot;Lista de Professores da EBD - IPN" dos Grupos do Google.
>> Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um e-mail para
>> Para postar nesse grupo, envie um e-mail para
>> Acesse esse grupo em
>> Para mais opções, acesse

Great game against the French School

  Last week the HS boys had a great futsal game against the French School. Highlights were Ben scoring two goals for the Eagles and the good passing and ball possession on the second half of the game. Next week the HS boys will play against Mackenzie. Go Eagles!  

Soccer games coming up next week.

Next week we'll have Six soccer games! 
Check the calendar and the notes below to get ready! Go Eagles!! 

Soccer on Tuesday April 1st  , BIS vs EAB

-          Who: Elementary Soccer teams (7 to 12 year olds).

-          When: On Tuesday, April 1st.

-          Time:

o    4pm (7 to 10 year olds),

o    4:30pm (10 to 12 year olds).

-          Where:  at EAB (605 Sul)

-          Important Reminders:

o   Plan your transportation to go straight after school from BIS to EAB.

o   Games will last approximately 45 minutes.

o   Bring a snack.

o   Bring your water bottle!


Soccer on Thursday, April 3rd , BIS vs EAB

-          Who: Elementary team (10 to 13 year olds) and Junior High Team

-          When: On Thursday, April 3rd.

-          Time:

o   4pm (10 to 13 year olds), 

o   4:40pm, futsal  (JH + 6th graders).

-          Where:  at BIS

o   Important Reminders: Plan to stay after school for this game.

o   Games will last approximately 45 minutes.

o   Bring a snack.

o   Bring your water bottle!


Nations Cup Soccer Tournament, April 5th at EDN.

-          Who: Elementary team (9 and 10 year olds)

-          When: On Saturday, April 5th

-          Time: The times of the games have not been posted yet. Check our website for the latest update.

-          Where:  at Escola das Nações.

-          Important Reminders:

o   Arrive 30 minutes before each game for the team warm up.

o   Bring official document to prove your date of birth (passport or Brazilian I.D. that shows date of birth)

o   It is mandatory the use safety equipment for these games. Please remember to bring your shin guards to all the games.

o   Bring your water bottle! 

Soccer on Thursday, April 3rd , BIS vs EAB

-         Who: Elementary team (10 to 13 year olds) and Junior High Team

-         When: On Thursday, April 3rd.

-         Time:

o   4pm (10 to 13 year olds), 

o   4:40pm, futsal  (JH + 6th graders).

-         Where:  at BIS

o   Important Reminders: Plan to stay after school for this game.

o   Games will last approximately 45 minutes.

o   Bring a snack.

o   Bring your water bottle!



Futsal  on Friday April 4th , BIS vs Mackenzie

-         Who: JH + 6th graders    and    HS futsal teams.

-         When: On Friday, April 4th

-         Time:

o   4pm to 5pm, JH + 6th graders

o   5pm to 6pm, HS team.

-         Where:  at Mackenzie (Lago Sul).

-         Important Reminders:

o   Plan your transportation. This will be a half-day at BIS with early dismissal at 11:45am.

o   Bring your water bottle! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tough Soccer on the Mud

The 12 and Under Elementary Soccer team did a GREAT job on the tournament this weekend. Players that represented our school in the tournament were: Rafael, Omair, Caleb, Elijah, Saturnino, Ngash, André, Aqib, and Daniel. They played against some great teams and also on very tough conditions  because of all the mud on the field. The highlights were Elijah and Rafael with great saves as goalies and Daniel who scored a nice goal from a free kick. Coach Batista is very proud of all the players this weekend.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

HS team finishes tournament in third place

The High School Soccer Team finished in third place in the soccer tournament this weekend. These guys played very hard against high level teams and did a great job representing BIS and playing together as a team. Coach Batista is proud to have these committed student-athletes on his team. The students who played on this tournament were Adnan*, Wilko*, Andrew*, Roen, Letsie, Kwame*, Frizald, and Gustavo (players with * are the ones who scored goals in the tournament). Some of the highlights were Gustavo with numerous AWESOME saves, and Wilko with an AMAZING goal against EAB (Frizald did a long diagnol pass and Wilko with one touch shot a rocket over the goalies head to score the most impressive goal of the season so far for the Eagles). Great job team! Our next game will be against the French School. Go Eagles! 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Soccer Tournament Details for this weekend.

Nations Cup Soccer Tournament Schedule 
-         Who: High School and  Elementary  (12 and 11 year olds) soccer teams.
-         When: On Saturday, March 15th  
-         Where:  At the second campus of School of the Nations, SMDB Conjunto 19 Chácara 02, Lago Sul.
-         Important Reminders:
o   Arrive 30 minutes before each game for the team warm up.
Bring official document to prove your date of birth (passport or Brazilian I.D. that shows date of birth)
o   It is mandatory the use safety equipment for these games. Please remember to bring your shin guards to all the games.
o   Bring your water bottle!
12 and Under Elementary Soccer Team will play two games on Saturday and if we win and qualify for the next round we will play one more game on Sunday.
-         Saturday, 10:30am BIS vs Eapanyol
-         Saturday, 11:30am BIS vs Cougars.
High School Soccer Team will play four games on Saturday afternoon.
-         12:00 BIS vs EAB
-         2pm BIS vs Nations
-         3pm EAB vs BIS
-         4pm Nations vs BIS.
All families and friends are welcome to come cheer and support out teams. Go Eagles!!!
For more information please check our website(  or contact Coach Batista ( . Go Eagles!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tournament Schedule for this weekend.

  Here is the tournament schedule for this weekend. The 12 and Under Elementary Soccer Team will play two games on Saturday morning. If we win and qualify for the next round we'll play again on Sunday. The High School team will play four games on Saturday afternoon. Go Eagles! 

Futsal Defense, man to man, high pressure.

check out this video, be sure to hit pause to see and understand what's happening.
On this video: Man to man, high pressure (or full pressure) , Defense against a free kick. Let's learn this stuff! Go Eagles! 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Soccer Schedule for March 2014.

BIS vs EAB Futsal
-          Who: High School soccer team.
-          When: Wednesday, March 12th, 5:30pm to 6:30pm.
-          Where: EAB (605 sul).
-          Reminders:
o   Plan your rides and arrive 20 minutes early (5:10pm)
o   Bring shin guards.
o   Plan to be picked up at 6:40pm.
o   Bring your water bottle!
Nations Cup Soccer Tournament.
-          Who: High School and  Elementary  (12 and 11 year olds) soccer teams.
-          When: On March 15th and 16th (Saturday and Sunday).
o   The exact times of the games will be informed once the organizers make the draws and schedules for the tournament. Check our website for the latest updates.
-          Where:  At the second campus of School of the Nations, SMDB Conjunto 19 Chácara 02, Lago Sul.
-          Important Reminders:
§  Bring official document to prove your date of birth (passport or Brazilian I.D. that shows date of birth)
§  It is mandatory the use safety equipment for these games. Please remember to bring your shin guards to all the games.
§  Bring your water bottle!
For more information please check our website(  or contact Coach Batista ( . Go Eagles! 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Kayak on the lake Tuesday

Hey guys this is Coach Batista and I would like to invite all of you to come play at the lake with me. We can rent Kayaks, Stand Up Paddle and swim : )   I would like to go on Tuesday from 11am to 1pm, and if it's raining on Tuesday than we could do it on Wednesday instead. This spot of the lake is great because it's clean and safe from boats. It's located at the end of Asa Norte. If you drive on the road L2 going North (towards Lago Norte) at the end of L2 you will see the lake, the deck with a playground and kayaks. Should be great fun! It costs R$10 to rent a Kayak for 30 min, and R$20 to rent a SUP for 30 min. They have LOTS of kayaks, but only two SUP at this point. They also have life jackets (mandatory) for everybody to wear while in the water. I think the prices are not bad.You can rent stuff for 30 min or 1 hour, just bring the cash. It's a lot of fun! Also bring a snack to eat, a drink or water bottle,  sunscreen, hat,  umbrella (there's not much shade there), and a camera! 

  Hope to see you there... plan your rides, arrive at 11am, be picked up at 1pm on Tuesday. If the weather is bad check for updates with Coach Batista (  and Mr. Axworthy. Hope to see you there! Coach Batista -