Friday, November 8, 2013

PE HW for boys.

Basketball / PE  Home Work.
1-      Add coach Batista as your friend on facebook. This is optional, you don't have to do it, but it would help me to get in touch with you (and vice-versa) if we need to plan something.
a.       My email is
b.      If you don't want me to see your page that's fine, just block me from viewing your page, but allow me to send you messages. That's all I would do… just send messages.
c.       If we are already friends on facebook, than you don't need to do this. Thanks for being my friend J.
2-      Send me a text message from a phone or a what's app message saying…
a.        "hey coach, this …………… (your name) and my phone number is …………….. (type your number) and my parent's phone number is ………………………….. (type your parent's cell number). Ok?"
b.      Once I get your message I'll reply, "Ok. Thanks!"
c.       My phone number is 61- 8144-2220
d.      This is very important in case of an emergency.
3-      Memorize your phone number and the phone number of one of you parents .
a.       This is mandatory.
b.      Also memorize your address in Brasilia.
c.       If you don't have this info memorized you will run suicides in PE.
4-      Have a great day, and complete this assignment before Monday. Thanks for all your hard work in PE and basketball so far this year. Well done so far!


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